Since their creation, rural electric cooperatives have been dedicated to serving their communities. This commitment extends beyond proving power. Bolstering communities as a whole is a core value of your local Touchstone Energy® Cooperative. These community leaders know that ensuring a community remains strong in the future starts with focusing on the youth of today.

Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders. That’s why Touchstone Energy Cooperatives are lighting their way by teaching, mentoring and providing real-world experiences that help students better understand how the electric industry affects numerous aspects of daily life.

The Co-ops in the Classroom program helps children learn about electricity through hands-on, interactive lessons. The program teaches students ways to conserve electricity, how to be safe around electricity, helps them recognize where electricity comes from and also introduces them to the cooperative business model and cooperative principles.

By learning these concepts from an early age, the kids will be better prepared to make wise energy decisions now and be conscientious consumers of energy in the future.